Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Appypie pada Bahasan Pengenalan Robotika Dasar

Wanda Ramansyah, Thomas Brian


Technological advances bring about changes in student learning styles. Students already have a lot of smartphones in learning the material and doing school work. The presence of multimedia learning is not directly replace the learning process interface in the classroom. But aims to complement existing learning and help students Education Informatics in learning outside the classroom to re-learn the material presented lecturers without being impeded by time. In this learning media there are basic robotics materials about the introduction of type, function, part and application of robot in assisting human work and accompanied by questions to measure student understanding level on robotics material. In this research will take the topic of robotics, because the lesson required robotics tools or hardware and provide them in the laboratory is still costly. Research methods used in making interactive multimedia learning is literature, observation, analysis, design, programming, testing and implementation. Based on the results of interactive multimedia learning test using Appypie basic robotics material is feasible to be used as a means of education students Education Informatics.

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