Nafa Anindita Awalia, Risqi Amaliasari


One of the weaknesses in each learning method is that teacher tend to experience constraints in classroom management, even though the task of the teacher is mostly to create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom in order that the learning objectives are achieved. This learning atmosphere can increase students' motivation and interest in learning. Therefore, the author uses the Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) method that has been modified with task and forced strategy to fillthe shortage. The Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) learning method is providing an opportunity for students to be able to interact with their groups. or with other groups, interacting is one of the ways to increase student collaboration. Then, with the task and force strategies will be able to help the teacher in managing the class well. Because, with this strategy the teacher emphasizes giving assignments with little coercion, with the hope that students can do their job according to what is ordered by the teacher. Task and forced strategies can also train students' discipline and responsibility. So from that, the purpose of this is to train discipline and responsibility, improve student activity and foster student confidence.

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