Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Pascasarjana UNINDRA Ditinjau dari Kompetensi Pedagogik, Kompetensi Personal, dan Disiplin Dosen

Soeparlan Kasyadi


The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between the competence of pedagogic, competence of personality and disciplines with the study of students motivated. The research was conducted at the mathematics and science students of master degree at Indraprasta University Jakarta. This research using survey methods with a sample of 100 master degree students of mathematics and science selected randomly. The result of this research find outs that there is correlation between 1) competences of pedagogic and the study of students motivation, 2) competences of personality and the study of students motivation, 3) discipline and the study of students motivation and 4) competence of pedagogic, competence of personality and discipline altogether with the study of students motivation. Therefore, the competence of pedagogic, competence of personality and discipline should put into human resources development in managing the study of students interested at the University of Indraprasta Jakarta. However other variables are necessary to be taken by other researchers.

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