Arif Rahman Hakim


Entering the 'era industry 4.0' as it is currently needed by human resources who have a constructive frame of mind to compile and pour a variety of good ideas in life. The potential to build human resources that have constructive thinking frameworks can be achieved through learning activities in the formal education pathway. In general, in a vision and mission framework in the field of education, one aspect that is certain to be achieved is a learning activity oriented to the development of entrepreneurial attitudes. This article that was compiled in a descriptive qualitative manner aims to explain the understanding of the 'industrial era 4.0' and explain the various challenges entrepreneurship in the 'industrial era 4.0', as well as presenting alternative answers to the challenges in question based on the perspective of the field of mathematics education. Results that should be achieved on this article, namely several alternative concepts of entrepreneurship in the field of mathematics education in the 'industrial 4.0 era'. Overall, this article can be concluded that answering the various challenges of the 'industrial era 4.0' by becoming entrepreneurs in the field of mathematics education can be realized only now by becoming a caring, independent, creative and adaptive entrepreneur.

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