Destria Arta Parmani, Sumiati Sumiati, Meliasari Meliasari


One of the objectives of national education is to improve the quality of human resources (HR). Increasing the quality of human resources can be through critical thinking skills in learning achievement and activeness of students. The purpose of this paper is to motivate students to be more active in the learning process and are expected to improve student learning achievement. In Indonesia, education still has constraints related to the quality of education, so the learning process is not optimal and the motivation carried out by teachers and students is still lacking. The learning process in Indonesia is still fairly weak, a lot of the quality of the teacher itself is considered lacking because it still uses conventional methods. Students become passive and do not have the opportunity to express their ideas or ideas. Therefore, the problem needs to be overcome by making changes. One model that can be used as a learning model is Project Based Learning (PjBL). In this learning model the teacher acts as a facilitator. Project Based Learning aims to find problem solving, besides that also so that students learn the concept of how to solve problems and develop critical thinking skills. In learning concepts and critical thinking skills, students work together in their groups to study real problems. However, the Project Based Learning method has weaknesses in terms of time and cost, so it must be modified with Task and Forced Learning Strategies. The application of Task and Forced Learning Strategies aims to improve the quality of learning of students with a high sense of responsibility and discipline on assignments and on time. Task and Forced Learning Strategies also do not require a lot of time and money so that they can complement the Project Based learning (PjBl) method. Learning by applying this learning model is expected to make students become more disciplined, active and able to develop their creativity. This article succeeded in formulating the Project Based Learning learning model modified with Task and Forced Learning Strategies.

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