Dadan Sumardani, Ida Midaraeni, Nur Ichsan Sumardani


The Global Education Census 2018 shows that Indonesian students are the highest technology users in the world. Unfortunately, the level of Indonesian science education is at a low level indicated by the Program of International Student Assessment 2015. The Learning physics science is ideally done through the experiments, but the theory of special relativity is difficult to understand. It is difficult because the theory has not happened in real life and no technology has advanced at the speed of light. To understand the theory, Virtual Reality is able to visualize the real concept of relativity by presenting an artificial world to the students. In its development, many virtual reality have been developed in the field of education by the experts because of the students' interest in this application. Virtual reality is more easily developed because it is supported by Google technology. Based on this, the researchers are interested in designing Virtual Reality applications as a Learning Media for Relativity on Android Smartphones. This Research and Development uses the Lee and Owens Model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research specializes in the development process which includes pre-production, production, and post-production. The application content explains the journey of human beings traveling at the speed of light and feeling the effects of the special theory of relativity. This application was developed using Unity 5.6.2f1 software and Google VR Cardboard. The Tests on the gyroscope and accelerometer concluded that the sensitivity level of the application is very good so that the rotation of the application is the same as the user's rotation. The development of virtual reality technology is carried out systematically, easily and effectively. The development of Virtual Reality using Unity and Google Cardboard on smartphones can be an effective solution, because of Unity 5.6.2f1 applications are free and unity operation is relatively easy for new developers. Hopefully researchers with the existence of this research, other developers can have a guide article in developing virtual reality.

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