Desti Komalasari, Karlina Karlina


Still weakness learning process in Indonesia is a problem that must be taken with seriously especially by the teacher. Therefore the teacher must be able to be actively involved in the learning process. This research aims to change the character of students in Indonesia who tend to be lazy in doing assignments. Thinking aloud pairs problem solving learning model is a of learning based learning in groups where students are required to be able to work together between group members. So that students are responsible for the assignments given by the teacher, a task and force learning strategy emerges so that students can change the way of learning both group and individually. Therefore with the modification between the learning model of thinking aloud pairs problem solving with task and forced strategies is expected to be more active in the learning process. This research also aims to train students to be responsible, disciplined and think critically. To apply modifications between the thinking aloud pairs problem solving learning model with the task strategy and forced, teachers should make the planning carefully, the teacher should master all the stages. The teacher must also motivate students to be more enterprising and better in learning so that the learning outcomes obtained can be maximized.

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