Perkembangan TIK, Globalisasi dan Peranan Guru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter

Zulpadli Zulpadli


This paper briefly and through theoretical studies will discuss simply the problems formulated, the impact of globalization on Character education in Indonesia, as well as the paradigm of PKN learning and Character education challenges for the younger generation. It is on the ground by the declining awareness and moral values, as well as to increase the values of the characters seen in the young generations. Civic education in Indonesia has been running throughout the history of Indonesian independence, and has gone through various stages and arms, it is certainly demands greater hard work of teachers to be able to increase the values of Pancasila and love of the homeland, and practice the character values which is based on the noble values of Indonesian culture into Indonesian youth.

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