Analisis Persepsi Mahasiswa atas Kompetensi Pedagogik Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam

Muhammad Arifin, Achmad Muhajir, Achmad Muhajir


The purpose of this study was to find and analyze empirically about student perceptions of pedagogical competencies of lecturers of Islamic Education at Indraprasta University PGRI Jakarta. The research subjects were students of the Indraprasta PGRI University Mathematics Education Program in the odd semester of 2018/2019 academic year, who participated in the lectures on Islamic Education totaling 50 students with details of each research group of 25 people. The sampling technique used in this study is a non random sampling technique, namely by purposive sampling method (purposive sampling). Sampling is tailored to the purpose of the study and based on the subjective judgment of the researcher and on certain characteristics which are considered to have relevance to the characteristics of the population that were previously known with certain considerations. The data collection technique used in this study is through the dissemination of instruments of student perceptions of the pedagogical competencies of lecturers of Islamic Education at Indraprasta University PGRI Jakarta. The researcher conducted research data collection using a questionnaire. Judging from the recapitulation of the results of data interpretation, it can be concluded that the results of the study through questionnaires can be interpreted that "Student Perception Analysis of the Pedagogic Competencies of Islamic Education Lecturers" results are included in the category of good. From the recapitulation of data interpretations obtained 0% very good category, 80% good category, 16% sufficient category, 4% less category, 0% very poor category.

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