Puput Najariah Simatupang, Putri Indah Sari


The lack of creativity created by teachers and students in the classroom and the weak process of learning activities in Indonesia is a problem that must be evaluated and solutions are sought, especially by teachers. The teacher is the first spearhead to determine whether the learning and learning process can work well. The learning model used in this writing is Contextual Teaching and Learning which is modified by task and forced strategies. CTL is a learning concept that helps teachers associate material taught with students' real world situations and encourages students to make connections between their knowledge and their application in their lives as family members and society. The contextual learning model is not exclusive but can be combined with other learning models, for example: discovery, process skills, experiments, demonstrations, discussions, and others. The purpose of this writing is to help teachers improve their creativity, activeness and motivation in the classroom. However, to make students become more active and creative in class, the right strategy is required, which is task and forced. This strategy focuses on giving assignments that are accompanied by a little coercion right in the hope that students can complete their tasks properly at the appointed time. To implement Contextual Teaching and Learning with Task and Forced Strategies teachers should make a scenario and plan better and more mature. The teacher should master and understand in advance the rules, the nature and theory of this learning model, and the teacher must always provide motivation to students to be more active and better at learning.

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