Anisa Farida, Nadia Rizky Harisuna, Septianna Nurida


The purpose of this writing is to provide innovation in learning in the classroom by using varied learning models. So that the quality of learning in the classroom increases and is more interesting. In addition, it can also improve student activity, foster a spirit of learning and completing tasks well. The problem of learning in Indonesia is a problem that must be taken seriously, especially by the teacher. Therefore, teachers must be able to inspire students to be actively involved in the learning process of selection and determination of learning strategies that are most appropriate to the characteristics of students. With the existence of this writing, the background of the difficulties in understanding the material is also the lack of enthusiasm of students in learning the material and completing the assignments given by the teacher which have an impact on student learning outcomes that are still low. The low student learning outcomes, of course, many factors that cause, for example the classic problem about the application of learning methods that are still teacher-centered, so students tend to passively listen to the teacher's explanation. So, the choice of methods and strategies in teaching and learning in class is very important because it can affect the results of teaching and learning in the classroom and obtain the desired learning goals. For this reason, the teacher can use the Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) learning method which is modified by the task strategy and force. The learning model of Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) is a method that is focused on providing direct and enjoyable learning experiences. Experience learning directly by learning to listen or listen (auditory), learn intellectually and learn with repetition. Meanwhile, the Task and Forces strategy is a learning strategy that has little effect on students to complete tasks until they are completed and on time. If it does not complete the assignment given by the teacher, then there is a penalty for students who do not do their duties according to the previous agreement. So that students will be motivated in listening, understanding the material conveyed by the teacher and doing the task on time. This strategy can also improve the quality of student learning to reduce the level of student laziness and provide good learning outcomes. By combining this method it is hoped that it can make students become more disciplined and responsible for the tasks given. Therefore, combining these models and strategies is needed in the learning process so that the learning process is interesting and the quality of learning increases.

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