The Effect of Intelligence Numeric, Learning Discipline and Learning Motivation on Formative Test Results

Muh. Aripin Nurmantoro, Dedy Yusuf Aditya, Dede Irawan


The purpose of this study was to determine the direct effect and indirect influence of a variable. The research data was processed and analyzed using path analysis method. Conclusions are obtained (1) There is a significant direct effect of intelligence numeric on the results of formative tests; (2) There is a significant direct effect of learning discipline on the results of formative tests; (3) There is a significant direct effect of learning motivation on the results of formative tests; (4) There is a significant direct effect of intelligence numeric on learning motivation; (5) There is a significant direct influence of intelligence numericalon learning discipline; (6) There is a significant direct effect of learning discipline on learning motivation; (7) There is no significant indirect effect of intelligence numeric on motivation to learn through learning discipline; (8) There is no significant indirect effect of intelligence numeric on the results of formative tests through learning discipline; (9) There is no significant indirect effect of intelligence numeric on the results of formative tests through learning motivation; and (10) There is no significant indirect effect of intelligence numeric on the results of formative tests through learning discipline and learning motivation.

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