Penerapan Linear Congruential Method pada Aplikasi Ujian Berbantuan Komputer

Puji Rahayu Ningsih, Muhamad Afif Effindi


In order to obtain information regarding student learning outcomes, the test is one way to go. Both test orally and written test. Along with the development of technology, the current written test is no longer done on paper but done using computer media. Computer-based test is one of the exam types applied in the National Exam and have been implemented in some schools in Indonesia. In this exam, it is possible for students to work on different packages of problems with their colleagues on the side. This is possible because of the problem randomization method. Nevertheless, it should be tested whether in the randomization of the problem has noticed the sequence of occurrences of questions which is still pay attention to the sequence as Bloom Taxonomy. This study focuses on applying the Linear Congruential Method, in order to generate a random problem from the database. The method called Pseudorandom Number Generator. In practice, the Linear Congruential Method method use variables a, c, and m as inputs for the occurrence of random numbers simultaneously. In this study, the numbers a and m are set first. While the variable c obtained from random numbers generated in the previous stage. The result of this research is the computer-based test which applies for random numbers.

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