Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Bangun Ruang Berbasis Augmented Reality pada Tingkat Sekolah Dasar

Ariesta Kartika Sari, Prita Dellia, M. Dicky, Cholillah Cholillah


One of the efforts in facilitating the teacher to teach the material concretely, then the learning of mathematics on three dimensional geometri can be done using the help of a medium of learning. Along with the development of technology today, many applications in the world of technology that can be useful for learning activities. One of the learning media that can help the teacher in facilitating Visualization Three Dimensional geometry is Augmented Reality. In addition, through mathematics learning using Augmented Reality media in Three Dimensional geometry is expected to present interactive math learning. This research produces instructional media using Augmented Reality based on Android for Three Dimensional geometry material in grade 5 students of Elementary School. Development of learning media Augmented Reality using Kemp and Dayton model, there are two components, namely multimedia technology components and components of mathematics subjects. Components of multimedia technology contained in the program that is text, sound, images, and animation, while the components of mathematics subject’s ie content material and exercise questions. The materials contained in the program are: (1) the cube, (2) limas, (3) the cone and (4) the tube.

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